為制造業(yè)領域提供行業(yè)領先的零件、服務和速度,。 amikon讓您在點觸之間即可獲得全球范圍的自動化零件供應,,確保制造商避免不必要的停機時間。無論在世界任何地方,,我們都致力于幫助企業(yè)規(guī)避巨額收入損失,。 我們的世界,因制造而成就可能,。amikon讓制造成為可能,。 了解我們如何盡自己的一份力,來確保您的生產線正常運轉,。
AMIKON是全球自動化零部件供應商, 自動化零件供應全球166個國家 AMIKON專注于采購必要的和稀缺的自動化組件,, 以維持制造行業(yè)運轉,。 無論零部件年份、稀缺度或位置如何,, 我們都將找到并交付您需要的零件,, 以便您的設備能夠快速恢復運行,。
Amikon New Year's annual meeting will be will be held in Swiss Grand. The significance of the annual meeting is not only to wish the reunion, but also to review the past and explore the future. At the party, Amikon held an award ceremony for outstanding employees who made outstanding contributions in the past year. To award warriors is not only the affirmation and reward of employees' achievements, but also encourages everyone to strive for the top and create a new brilliant! In the past years, Amikon cooperate with more than 90000 customers in 165 countries and regions around the world. We provide a wide range of product selection, rapid delivery and further services for customers in the field of electrical trade.
Dear Sir / Madame, From everyone at amikon we would like to say thank you for your continued loyalty and faith in us.Christmas is a time of giving, and we would like to give you a huge thanks for being our cherished customer.Have a happy holiday season and we look forward to working with you in the New Year 2021.
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